Battle Update – now live
We're happy to announce that our second major update is now available!
Our Early Access is finally released! We are looking forward to the feedback. Click here to go directly to Steam!
The nurse Elisabeth Ritter takes care of the wounded soldiers together with a team of other nurses. Therefore, she’ll often be part of stories and dialogues centered around injuries and illnesses. She has a good heart and is always concerned about your soldiers but also understands that there’s only so much she can do with the limitations of a field hospital.
For the creation of our stories we use the opensource narrative scripting language ink by inklestudios. This allows us to easily create very decision-heavy texts including variables and value changes depending on the decisions made.
I was asked to be a member of the deutschercomputerspielpreis jury. Tested a lot of cool games in the last weeks, had a very exciting day at the Hauptjurysitzung in Berlin today and met a lot of nice people. :)
The plot in All Quiet in the Trenches is made up of individual small stories in your diary. These are composed depending on previously made decisions, the current circumstances, the personality of your soldiers, their attitude towards you and each other. Thus, each playthrough is different.
While previous wars had relied on man-to-man combat, artillery became increasingly important in the First World War. The sFH13 heavy field howitzer was put into service in October 1914, weighing just under 3 tonnes with its limber and could therefore be transported by two heavy carthorses.
In addition to our blog, we also wanna start showing you our development here again. Most of our work over the last few months has gone into the combat phase. It alternates with the camp phase and serves mainly to illustrate the horror of war and to expose the soldiers to deadly danger. [...]
What I like most about my work are the fascinating facts I learn about the past. While doing my research for the modeling of this bike I learned how often they were used in World War I and that most of them were very similar to the so-called fixies that have recently come back into fashion. These are bicycles with a fixed gear that do not have a freewheel mechanism, so that if you no longer pedal, you automatically brake and can also drive backwards with them.
The field kitchen was used throughout the First World War. It got its nickname "Gulaschkanone" (german for "Goulash Cannon") because it was attached to a limber like a cannon and its black smoke vent was folded back when not in use and thus reminded of a cannon. The field kitchen was fired with all kinds of fuel, preferably wood.
1. July 2018
Fellow humans! There’s news! As if the DevDays hadn’t already been firmly set in our memories as a wonderful experience, they still have more to […]
4. May 2018
Greetings, fellow humans! Contrary to some absurd allegations, we’re Totally Not Aliens! After all, who’d give up a perfectly comfortable life on Glarblzork V just […]